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SBMS - Small business management system

We use the system in house, and have a bunch of clients that use it on a day to day basis - which means that we add new features as the need for them arise. Currently the system supports all of the following features:
- Fully customizable invoices, pro forma invoices, credit notes and payouts in pdf format.
- Full site integration for automated invoice generation on sales, as well as automated payment allocation for credit card sales.
- Site integration for your registered users - they can easily see their account balance, invoices, credit notes, statements, etc, directly from your site. They can even update their invoicing information - with your approval of course.
- All clients instantly get login information for use on which enables them to view all invoices generated to them, account balance, statements, etc. They also get an interface that enables them to update their Invoicing information, ensuring that your database always has current information. The udpates are emailed to the business owner for approval, so you are always in control.
- Automatic generation of recurring invoices useful for any kind of repeat business.
- Client management.
- Statements.
- Fully supports VAT or non VAT registered businesses and handles the transition between correctly - should your VAT registration status ever change.
- Complies with all South African legislation relating to invoices.
- SSL access means your data is secure.
- All documents are automatically emailed to you and your client as soon as they are created.
- Export all information in Pastel compatible format for easy importing by your accountant.
- As all your data is stored on the web, you have access from anywhere that you have an internet connection.
- Daily and Weekly backups means that even if a harddrive crashes, your data will be safe.
Register in 2 minutes at:, the system is free to use, and no strings are attached.